неділя, 14 лютого 2016 р.

Казка про Кохання (відкрите засідання клубу "Юний поліглот" до Дня святого Валентина)

Tale of Love,

or Party at Craziness

      Once upon the time there was a very nice party at Craziness. Very many guests were invited to the party.The hall was beautifully decorated. There were many delicious dishes on the tables. All the guests were very happy.
      At the end of the party Craziness suggested, "Now we will play hide-and-seek. I will count up to one hundred and you will hide. Then I will seek you. "
     "All right," answered the gueats. So Craziness shut his eyes and began o count, "One, two, three, four..." The guests run into the different parts.
      "...ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three..." counted Craziness. Panic was running here and there, didn't knowing where to hide..
      "...ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. I am going to seek. Who will be the first?"
      Curiosity was the first. She was peeping out of her refuge in order to learn who will be seeked the first. Hesitation was the second. She was hanging on a fence. Hesitation couldn'd decide on which side to hide...
       Everyone was seeked out but  Love. So all the guests helped Craziness to seek Love.
       Suddenly Craziness saw a very wonderfull sight. He appeared in a beautifull garden. It was a large lovely garden. Here and there over the grass stood pretty flowers. They were smiling like little stars. There were many nice trees and bushes in the garden. The birds were flying about and twittering with delight. Craziness stopped in order to listen to them. Unxpectedly he heard somebody's cry. The cry was heard from behind a rose bush. So Craziness run to the bush. Love was  bitterly crying between the flowers. She was blind. The rose thorns made holes in her eyes.
       "Forgive me, forgive me, dear Love. I am very very sorry. It is my fault," pleaded Craziness.
      " Let me  help you and follow you anywhere, always and all the time."
      From that time Craziness is always follows Love and helps her in his own way. When You meet Love, you will also  meet Craziness.

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